Based in Omaha, Nebraska, money and the mind is a blog and podcast by aaron sailer and andy koepp. They work together to explore money, psychology, and provide resources to help on your financial journey.

Episode 67: Manage Your Money (So It Doesn't Manage You)

Episode 67: Manage Your Money (So It Doesn't Manage You)

Andy and Aaron are back (we apologize for the lack of shows of late!). We discuss Dave Ramsey, student loan relief, how often finances come up in Andy’s therapy sessions, what does success mean to you?, listening to your body, what we’ve been spending money and time on lately, and more!

Audio outro: Maggie Rogers, “Symphony

The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma
You should always keep a $100 bill in your wallet

Intro music by David von Kampen

Episode 68: Toxic Positivity

Episode 68: Toxic Positivity

Episode 66: Sleep Talking with Dr. Kristen Casey

Episode 66: Sleep Talking with Dr. Kristen Casey